When the Reporter Is Searching. On the Hybridism of Jarosław Mikołajewski’s Book „Cień w cień. Za cieniem Zuzanny Ginczanki” [„Shadow to Shadow. Behind the Shadow of Zuzanna Ginczanka”]

Katarzyna Frukacz

(Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach)
E-mail: katarzyna.frukacz[at]us.edu.pl
ORCID: 0000-0002-2910-4554
DOI: 10.31261/FLPI.2023.05.06
„Fabrica Litterarum Polono-Italica” 2023, nr 1

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The paper discusses Jarosław Mikołajewski’s documentary work inspired by Polish-Jewish poet Zuzanna Ginczanka. The analysis aims at identifying two dimensions of the searching process, which appears as the main theme of the story. The first aspect of this search is constituted by tracing some facts and conjectures on Ginczanka, with special emphasis placed on the parallels between her and selected themes from Italian culture. The other dimension indicates the way in which Mikołajewski deconstructs the form of literary reportage and hybridizes the book by mixing different genres in it.