“Fabrica Litterarum Polono-Italica”, nr 1 (5) 2023 – Reportage

“Fabrica Litterarum Polono-Italica"
nr 1 (5) 2023

red. Wojciech Śmieja, Beata Nowacka

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Wojciech Śmieja, Beata Nowacka: Introduction


Articles and Studies

Luca Clerici: Orio Vergani – not only a reporter

Gloria Politi: Reportage in the Manner of Tiziano Terzani’s „Goodnight, Mister Lenin" and the Epiphanies of Places

Wojciech Soliński: Umberto Eco – a Professione Reporter?

Sylwia Szarejko: Lampedusa as a “Gateway to Europe”: the Shaping of the Island’s Image in Italian Reportage through the Prism of the Phenomenon of African Immigration

Katarzyna Frukacz: When the Reporter Is Searching. On the Hybridism of Jarosław Mikołajewski’s Book „Cień w cień. Za cieniem Zuzanny Ginczanki" [„Shadow to Shadow. Behind the Shadow of Zuzanna Ginczanka"]

Ewa Sławek: Wojciech Tochman and Wojciech Jagielski: the Styles of Contemporary War Reports

Igor Borkowski: The Distinct Features of Coverage Reporting after February 24, 2022, on the Example of “Tygodnik Powszechny”


Teodoro Katinis: Defining rhetoric: Sperone Speroni’s „Dell’arte oratoria"


Simone Guagnelli: Concreteness as a procedure. Contribution to a history of Memorial

Surveys and interviews

Wojciech Śmieja, Wojciech Górecki, Renata Lis, Jędrzej Morawiecki, Zbigniew Rokita, Ludwika Włodek: What’s with This Russia? Reporters’ Report

Discussions, overviews and commentaries

Paweł Rogalski: Snow Will Fall before Siberia Thaws. Before or after the Empire?: Jędrzej Morawiecki: „Szuga. Krajobraz po imperium." Czytelnik, Warszawa 2022, 280 s