Bogusława Bodzioch-Bryła
assistant professor at the Ignatianum Academy in Krakow. Author of the monograph: Sploty: przepływy, archite (s)tury, hybrydy. Polska e-poezja w dobie procesualności i konwergencji; Ku ciału post-ludzkiemu… Poezja polska po 1989 roku wobec nowych mediów i nowej rzeczywistości; Kapłan Biblioteki. O poetyckiej i eseistycznej twórczości Adama Zagajewskiego; Z nowymi mediami w kulturze i o kulturze. Scenariusze zajęć edukacji medialnej dla nauczycieli. Co-author of the books: Przepływy, protezy, przedłużenia… Przemiany kultury polskiej pod wpływem nowych mediów po 1989 roku; Literatura i nowe media. Homo irretitus w kulturze literackiej XX/XXI wieku, Nowy leksykon szkolny and several multi-author monographs. She has published in: „Teksty Drugie”, „Zagadnienia Rodzajów Literackich”, „Studia Medioznawcze”, „Kultura-Media Teologia”, „Perspektywy Kultury”, „Horyzonty Wychowania”, „Studia de Cultura”, „Episteme”, „Śląsk”. She is a member of the Polish Cultural Studies Society and the Polish Society for Film and Media Research.
Andrea F. De Carlo
contract professor of Polish language and literature at the University of Naples (“L’Orientale”) and at the University of Aldo Moro in Bari. In his academic work, he focuses mainly on three research areas: Italian-Polish literary associations, poetic translations and text criticism. He publishes the results of his research in Italian and foreign journals and periodicals. He is the author of the monograph Dantes maxime mirandus in minimis. Kraszewski e Dante (Naples 2019). One of his latest studies is a research project – an analysis of Dante’s translation of the Divine Comedy by Józef Ignacy Kraszewski.
Zuzanna Hanuszewicz
MA student in Polish philology at the University of Warsaw. She is interested in Polish Romanticism and the works of Anna Mostowska and Moderata Fonte.
Krystyna Jaworska
full professor of Polish language and literature at the University of Turin. Her research focuses mainly on 19th and 20th century Polish emigré literature and on contemporary Polish poetry. She translated and edited a selection of poems by Adam Zagajewski, and recently she focused the works of several female poets, such as Kazimiera Iłłakowiczówna and Beata Obertyńska. Several of her studies concern the literary and publishing achievements of the 2 Polish Corps (1943–1946). In 2019 she wrote the monography Dalla deportazione all’esilio. Percorsi nella letteratura polacca della seconda guerra mondiale and edited Gustaw Herling’s writings the prestigious series Meridiani of the publisher Mondadori.
Mariusz Jochemczyk
polish philologist, literary scholar, essayist. Associate professor at the Institute of Literary Studies (University of Silesia). Deputy editor-in-chief of the scientific journal “Fabrica Litterarum Polono-Italica”. Member of the Historical and Literary Commission of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Katowice.
Magda Morello
a graduate of art history at The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, currently a PhD student at KUL Doctoral School in the discipline of arts studies. Half-polish half-italian – which is the reason why in reaserch she often focuses on those two places, Poland and Italy. Her major intrests concerns eighteenth century, with particular emphasis on aristocratic culture.
Giuseppe Moscati
doctor of philosophy (University of Perugia), educator of pacifist attitudes, disarmament and international cooperation; president of the Fondazione Centro Studi A. Capitini. Head of the Biblioteca dell’Accademia Neoumanistica della Fondazione Cucinelli di Solomeo. He publishes in various journals related to culture (cf. “Rocca”). His most recent publications include: Maestri del nostro tempo (co-author: S. Cazzato, 2007), Dalla filosofia della morte alla filosofia della vita. La prospettiva etica dell’io-tu in Ludwig Feuerbach (2009), Sandro Penna e Vittorio Bodini. Tracce di una compresenza poetica (2010), R come responsabilità (2012) e La lumaca Maggiolina. Fiaba per i piccoli, ma anche un po’ per i cosiddetti grandi (2018).
Karolina Najgeburska
MA in Polish philology, PhD student at the Institute of Polish Philology at the Faculty of Philology of the University of Gdańsk. She published in post conference volumes and scientific journals (including “Jednak Książki. Gdańskie Czasopismo Humanistyczne”, “Anthropos?”, “Świat Tekstów”, “Media I Społeczeństwo”). She deals with contemporary Polish literature in the light of studies on space, memory and identity. She takes into account the anthropological and comparative perspective in her research.
Aleksander Nawarecki
full professor, works at the University of Silesia; literary historian and literary theorist, editor and commentator of Baka’s poetry (Black carnival, 1991), author of books on objects, plants and animals in literature (Things and dreams, 1993; The Nettle, 1996, Parafernalia, 2014), on the works of romantics (Little Mickiewicz, 2003; The Three-Way Dialogue. Colloquia on Juliusz Słowacki, 2019 – together with Andrzej Kotliński), as well as essays on Silesia (Lajerman, 2011). Co-author of the school textbook The Past is Today (2003–2020), co-editor of the series Literary miniature and micrology (2000–2003) and Illustrated Dictionary of Literary Terms (2018).
Francesco S. Perillo
taught Russian language and literature at the University of Bari from 1966 to 2013. He studied the Serbian folk epic, the Croatian theater of the Renaissance; Andrija Kačić Miošić’s work, Serbian poetry of the Twentieth century, the cultural relations between Italy and the south Slavs, the migrations of the Balkan Slavs in Apulia region. He wrote, moreover, a dictionary of false friends in the Russian vocabulary, a scientific grammar of the Russian language, and, in collaboration with other authors, a textbook for teaching Russian language.
Daniel Słapek
researcher at the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków. He graduated with a Master degree in Italian Language and Literature from the University of Silesia, where he earned the distinction of Doctor of Research in Applied Linguistics. He worked for several years at the University of Wroclaw where he contributed to creating the undergraduate degree program in Italian Studies. He is the author of Rozważania metajęzykoznawcze [Metalinguistic Reflections] (Łódź 2017) and Lessicografia computazionale e traduzione automatica. Costruire un dizionario-macchina [Computational Lexicography and Automatic Translation: Building a Machine-Dictionary] (Florence, 2016) and co-author of Narzędzia analizy przekładu [Tools for Translation Analysis] (Toruń 2015), in addition to being Associate Editor of the academic journal “Italica Wratislaviensia”. His interests focus on Italian linguistics, translation analysis, and metalinguistics, subjects on which he has written various articles.
Tadeusz Sławek
professor of comparative literature at the University of Silesia, between 1996 and 2002 the Rector of this University. With the double bass player Bogdan Mizerski performs essays for voice and double bass. Most important publications: Maszyna do pisania. O teorii literatury Jacques’a Derridy (with Tadeusz Rachwał; Warszawa 1992), Literary voice: the calling of Jonah (with Donald Wesling; Albany, N.Y. 1995), U-bywać. Człowiek, świat, przyjaźń w twórczości Williama Blake’a (Katowice 2001), Antygona w świecie korporacji (Katowice 2002), Revelations of Gloucester: Charles Olson, Fitz Hugh Lane and writing of the place (Frankfurt a.M. [et al.] 2003), Ujmować. Henry David Thoreau i wspólnota świata (Katowice 2009), NIC owanie świata. Zdania z Szekspira (Katowice 2012), U chodzić (Katowice 2015), Nie bez reszty. O potrzebie niekompletności (Mikołów 2018).
Marzena Woźniak-Łabieniec
professor at the University of Lodz. In scientific research, she focuses on the poetry of the twentieth century and the latest poetry, censorship in post-war Poland and genetic research on literature. Author of books (selected publications): Obecny nieobecny. Krajowa recepcja Czesława Miłosza w krytyce literackiej lat pięćdziesiątych w świetle dokumentów cenzury (Łódź 2012), Klasyk i metafizyka. O twórczości Jarosława Marka Rymkiewicza (Kraków 2002). Editor (recently): Przed-tekstowy świat. Z literackich archiwów XIX i XX wieku (Łódź 2020). She chairs the Committee for Genetic Research and Documentation on Literature at the Lodz Department of the Polish Academy of Sciences.