Alessandro Ajres
contract professor of Polish language at the University of Turin, where he studied and graduated with a thesis on Gustaw Herling-Grudziński and went on to work on his PhD about first Polish avant-garde. He recently published a monograph: Italian autobiography in the stories of Gustaw Herling-Grudziński. He also edited and translated Bruno Jasieński’s novel I burn Paris.
Agnieszka Bender
art historian, diplomat, professor at the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin and the head of the Department of Artistic Culture (since 2006), professor at the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw and the head of the Department of Artistic Culture (since 2009). She specialises in Renaissance and Baroque art, decorative arts, and Polish-French and Polish-Italian artistic relationships. She is an author, co-author and editor of nearly a hundred academic papers (e.g. Złocone kurdybany w Polsce, Tapiserie w dawnej Rzeczypospolitej). She is a member of many Polish and international scientific societies and a scholar at Scuola Storica Italo-Polacca at Istituto Sturzo in Rome, The Attingham Society in London, Centre International d’Etude des Textiles Anciens in Lyon, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven etc. In 2012-2016 she was the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of History and Social Sciences, and in 2016-2018 Director of the Polish Institute in Rome. Since 2019 she has worked at The Cultural Studies Institute at the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw.
Francesco Cabras
researcher at the Italian Studies Department of the Pedagogical University in Cracow. His research is focused on Neolatin Literature in Poland and on cultural connections between Italy and Poland from 15th to 17th century.
Iwona Dorota
PhD, researcher of Polish literature, her main research interest is Polish literature of the Romanticism era, in particular the epistolary legacy of Zygmunt Krasiński. Since 2003 she has taught the Polish language at the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures at the University of Milan (Italy), where she is a Foreign Scholar. From 1998 to 2003 she conducted research at the Institute of Slavonic Studies at University of Verona. In 2004 she earned her PhD in Polish literature at the University Maria Curie-Skłodowska in Lublin (Poland) with a thesis titled: “The image of Italy in letters by Zygmunt Krasiński”. She authored many publications in the areas of Romantic literature and of comparative literature, including translations into Italian and literary criticism of Zygmunt Krasiński’s letters, published in 6 volumes by the Centro Interuniversitario di Ricerche sul Viaggio in Italia (C.I.R.V.I.) in Moncalieri (Italy).
Maurizio Griffo
full professor of history of political doctrines at the Department of Political Sciences of the Università Federico II di Napoli, Italy. Among other things, he dealt with: the tradition of Italian southernism; the history of electoral systems; the constitutional and administrative history of colonial India and Indian nationalism; the French political thought; the Anglo-American constitutionalism; the Italian liberal culture. Among his publications we can mention: L’India coloniale dalla «autocrazia costituzionale» alla protodemocrazia, Franco Angeli, 1999; Thomas Paine. La vita e il pensiero politico, Rubbettino, 2011; Momenti e figure del liberalismo italiano, Rubbettino, 2016; La Terza forza. Saggi e profili, Castelvecchi, 2018; Alle origini della rappresentanza proporzionale, Rubbettino, 2019 (new edition).
Janina Janas
professor and researcher at the University of Bari “Aldo Moro”, Italy. She started her career at the University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland. Then she worked for 16 years at the University of Naples (Italy). Since 2002 Janina Janas has been teaching the Polish language, literature and culture at University of Bari “Aldo Moro”, Italy. At the beginning her researches were focused on Polish linguistics. The more recent researches and publications concentrate on influences of Italian literature in Polish literature, on translation studies and on autobiography. She is the precursor of Kazimiera Alberti’s biography and works. She published several monographs and papers, including: La letteratura maccheronica in Polonia, Szkice o literaturze i języku polskim, Dwie wersje poematu o Orfeuszu – Marino i Lubomirski. Podobieństwa tekstu a różnice kulturowe, Jan Andrzej Morsztyn sommelier barocco. She is the editor-in-chief of Fabrica Litterarum Polono-Italica.
Weronika Korzeniecka
graduate of Italian studies in Kraków (MA: 1992), currently a PhD student at the Faculty of Philology of the Jagiellonian University, the Department of Italian Philology (e-mail:
Katarzyna Kowalik
MA in Italian Studies and French Studies at the Faculty of Philology of University of Lodz, currently a PhD student and academic-didactic assistant in the Department of Romance Literatures and collaborator of the Department of Italian Studies at the Institute of Romance Studies, UL. Her scientific interests are 19th- and 20th-century literature in Italy and France, and the relationships between literature and political and social life in comparative approach. She is an author of some texts published in academic journals such as The Problems of Literary Genres or Literaturoznawstwo, as well as in monographs and post-conference volumes. She also deals with literary and scientific translation. She is the editor-in-chief of the bilingual Polish-Italian popular science review ItaliAMO, dedicated to the Italian culture.
Ewa Litwin
MA in Italian philology at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow and MA in public administration at the University of Technology and Management in Rzeszow. She has many years of experience in translation from Polish into Italian and from Italian to Polish. She is interested in the history of Italy and the history of Italian-Polish relations.
Robert Papieski
(born in 1965) editor, translator, essayist; curator at the Museum Anna and Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz in Stawisko, deputy editor-in-chief of the quarterly Przegląd Filozoficzno-Literacki. As an editor he developed, among others, three-volume Journals of Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz, letters of Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz and Czesław Miłosz collected in the book Double portrait, two-volume correspondence of Anna and Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz with Paweł Hertz.
Angelantonio Spagnoletti
full professor of modern history at the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy and the DISUM Department of the Università degli Studi di Bari, Italy, where he also teaches history of modern Europe. Part of his researches focus on the study of urban patricians and the feudality of the Kingdom of Naples between the 16th and 18th centuries, the history of the Order of the Knights of Saint John of Jerusalem (also called the Order of Malta), and the relations between Italy and Spain in the 16th and 17th centuries. He also studied the history of Italian ruling families in the 16th and 17th centuries, the revolution of 1799 in Apulia, the Napoleonic period in southern Italy and the history of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. He has participated in numerous national and international conferences; the result of his scientific commitment is a large series of monographs (most recently Filippo II, Salerno publishing house, Rome, 2018), essays and articles published by publishing houses and by national and foreign journals.
Daniele Stasi
associate professor of history of political doctrines at the University of Foggia and at the University of Rzeszow. His last works are Le origini del nazionalismo in Polonia (2018), Liberalismo e idea di nazione in Pasquale Stanislao Mancini (2019).
Monika Werner
graduate of Italian philology at the University of Warsaw, for many years she has cooperated with the Italian Cultural Institute in Warsaw. She is the author of many articles about Queen Bona Sforza published in Poland and Italy.